On 6 December 2023 (11:30-13:00 Gulf Standard Time (GST) (GMT+4) 2:30 - 4:00 New York (EST) (GMT-5)), UNESCAP hosted an event titled Responsible and Inclusive Management of Critical Energy Transition Minerals.
This event is intended to stimulate discussion and obtain feedback from a broad range of stakeholders, including policy makers, civil society, financial institutions, and research institutes, on key issues to be considered in order to ensure that policy measures and investments made in the extractives industries drive the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Representatives from the UN Regional Economic Commissions will present the main activities and outputs of the Working Group since its inception and the relevance of this topic to their respective regions, and relevant stakeholders will be invited to discuss efforts to promote the sustainable development of CETMs within the context of the broader energy transition.
Expected Outcomes
The outcome of this event is to identify and share best practices with participating stakeholders, provide and explore opportunities for future engagement and development of policy dialogues to strengthen multilateral cooperation, and inform the programme of work of the Secretary General’s Working Group on Transforming the Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development.