On 24 May 2022 (11:00 - 13:10 CET), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is hosting the webinar "The role of MSMEs & entrepreneurship in post-Covid resurgence of sustainable trade, green and circular economy". This webinar is the first of a series of six webinars organized by UNECE on Empowering MSMEs to harness opportunities in the transition to sustainable trade and a circular economy in the context of the post-COVID recovery from 24 May to 8 June 2022.
The objective of this webinar is to discuss the current stage of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) development in the UNECE region in the aftermath of the negative impacts of COVID-19, as well as measures and tools available at international, regional and national levels to enhance the MSME green resurgence. The webinar will facilitiate sharing of good practices and strengthening the public-private dialogue on these issues. It will also set a stage for the following thematic sessions focusing on issues of the MSMEs empowerment in circular economy, innovation and sustainable trade in the UNECE region and the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) countries.
Issues to be addressed:
- The role of MSMEs and entrepreneurship in the post-COVID resurgence in the UNECE region and SPECA countries;
- Key policy measures and tools on enhancing the input of the MSME sector in sustainable development and post-COVID green resurgence, the role of the public-private partnerships (PPPs);
- Main challenges faced by MSMEs on their greater involvement in post-COVID recovery and sustainable development;
- Behavior based approach on entrepreneurship skills facilitation and its importance for green MSME promotion: case of the Empretec programme, its impact and success stories in the UNECE programme countries;
- What are the capacity building needs on the MSMEs transition to green economy in the public and private sectors and how they can be better addressed?
- How the UNECE can help to further promote the green agenda in the MSME sector?
The webinar will be held in English with Romanian, Russian, and Serbian interpretation.