On 23 April 2020, 16:00 AM (CEST), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is hosting a webinar on 'COVID-19 and the Caribbean Electricity Sector'.

On 30 April 2020 at 20:30 (CEST), GreenBiz will host a webinar on 'Coronavirus and the Clean Economy'.
In this webinar, we heard from the African Development Institute, the OECD, the Munasinghe Institute for Development and the Green Economy Coalition on key questions around Sustainability after COVID-19, including what the pandemic means for existing sustainable development goals on poverty and equality.

Session 2 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Diving Into Water explores innovative approaches to integrating the value of water into their business operations and decisions.

Session 3 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Digging into Agriculture, will discuss cutting-edge examples on how to approach agriculture in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way.

Session 4 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Natural Capital in Development Finance, will bring together a panel of major African development finance institutions to share their interests and ambitions for integrating natural capital into investments.

Session 5 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Drilling into Infrastructure, will promote innovative examples from across Africa of how natural capital can be integrated into infrastructure design and development.

Session 6 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Data for Decision Making, will host leading experts discussing the opportunities and trends around Natural Capital Accounting in Africa.

On 22 June to 3 July 2020, Session 7 of the African Forum on Green Economy, Enabling Change, will discuss how system-wide change requires innovation and collaboration. This session will host institutions who are starting to bridge that gap and will open up the discussion to hear from you what you think is needed next.

On the 14th of April at 16:00 (CEST), Reuters is hosting a webinar on "Financing the Energy Transition".