This webinar presented a new methodology for collecting and reporting data on fossil fuel subsidies, developed jointly by UNEP, OECD, and the IISD’s Global Subsidies Initiative. Government representatives from Italy and Indonesia shared country experience with the review of fossil fuel subsidies under the G20 process and the phase out of fossil fuel subsidies.

On 10 October 2019 4pm CEST, the International Labour Organisation (ILO)'s Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN) is hosting a webinar on 'Skills for a Greener Future: Taking stock and looking ahead'.

On 24 September 2019 (3:00 PM CET), Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC), The Distributed Rural Energy Data Network and Efficiency for Access are holding a webinar on "State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market: Connecting the Data on Market Trends, Jobs, and SDG 7".

The "Climate Expert" tool presents a 4-step approach to help businesses anticipate climate risks and design and implement strong adaptation strategies within their local context. On 4 September, the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) and the Green Growth Working Group (GGWG) of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) held a webinar to walk through how SMEs can utilise the tool, as well as development agencies, consultants, and multipliers that want to support the private sector in adapting to climate change.

On 17 July 2018 (16:00-17:00 CET) the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative is holding a webinar on "Driving Today's Financial System for the Resilient Climate of Tomorrow".

A number of advisory services are available free of charge to policy makers, policy advisors, and supporting institutes to support the transition to an inclusive green economy. On 29 May (3:00 PM CET), join the GGKP for a webinar where we will introduce a selection of these services, including how they can be accessed an utilised.

On 20 May 2019 (3:00 - 4:30 am CET), Clean Energy Solutions Center is holding a webinar on "Project Costs for Renewable Generation Projects in the Pacific."

On 21 May 2019 (7:00 PM CET/1:00 PM EDT), Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), Ducks Unlimited, Metcalf Foundation, Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Nature United are holding a webinar on the "Landmark U.N. Biodiversity Report with Lead Co-Author."
CTCN/IRENA Webinar - Innovations for the Power Sector Transformation, Focus on Blockchain Technology

On 16 May 2019 (3:00 - 4:00 pm CEST), the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is hosting a webinar on "Innovations for the Power Sector Transformation, Focus on Blockchain Technology."

On 9 May (4:00 PM CEST/10:00 AM EDT) the OECD is holding a webinar on "Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Enhancing measurability to track progress at the global and national level".