At least half the world’s population suffers from polluted water. And the situation is set to worsen. Water pollution is on the rise due to indirect ‘diffuse’ sources of pollution from both agricultural and urban environments. What policies can we put in place to address the diffuse water pollution challenge...

Article Six of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) requires Parties to develop national strategies, plans or programs which should reflect the measures set out in the Convention. Parties have developed National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBASPs), which translate the measures set out by the CBD, and other biodiversity-related...

The Asia-Pacific GPPEL network project officially known as “Strengthening the capacities and improving the knowledge on green public procurement and ecolabelling in the Asia-Pacific region”, started in 2013 and mainly aims at strengthening SPP and ecolabelling in the Asia-Pacific region, based on the expertise of China, Japan and South Korea...

We as humans make thousands of decisions each day, but many of these may be habits or choices that are not the most environmentally-friendly. How can we effectively change our behaviours to reduce waste, increase resource efficiency and strengthen policies for sustainable consumption? These are some of the questions tackled...

Why aren’t we investing more in disaster resilience, despite the rising costs of disaster events? Decision-makers in governments, businesses, households, and development agencies tend to focus on avoiding losses from disasters, and perceive the return on investment as uncertain – only realised if a somewhat unlikely disaster event actually happens...