The UN-Oxford panel discussion "Are We Building Back Better?" brought together global leaders and international institutions to debate progress, explore openings, and ask and answer the questions that matter: COVID-19 pandemic:
What is at risk if we fail to build back better?
Can recovery spending bring strong economic and job impacts while securing environmental progress?
Have countries been using COVID-19 spending to tackle climate change, nature loss, and pollution?
How can countries better leverage recovery spending to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and more equitable world?
The conference launched a major new report and dataset from the Global Recovery Observatory, detailing recovery efforts in the top 50 economies of the world – and whether these align with environmental goals. The Observatory went live on 10 March 2021, featuring a data visualization tool developed by the UNDP team. Visit the UNDP Data Futures Platform at: https://data.undp.org/
Ms. Svenja Schulze, Minister of Environment, Germany
Luis Alberto Rodriguez, Director General, National Planning Department of Colombia
Ms. Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director
Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, IMF Managing Director
Mr. Joseph Stiglitz, Economist and Nobel Laureate
Cameron Hepburn, Economist, University of Oxford
Brian O'Callaghan, PhD Candidate in Energy Finance, University of Oxford
Moderated by: Nozipho Tshabalala, Conversation Strategist