On 21 September at 3:00pm CEST, the World Bank Group is organising a live event on "Circular Economy and Competitiveness" to discuss how a circular economy can be the next game changer in private sector development.
Speakers include:
Joke Dufourmont, Circle Economy’s Circular Jobs Initiative Leader
Ken Webster, Senior Lecturer, the University of Exeter, Business School
Nabil Nasr, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs & Director, Golisano Institute for Sustainability, Rochester Institute of Technology
Shardul Agrawala, Head of the Environment and Economy Integration Division, OECD Environment Directorate
This live event is the first session of a learning series on "Circular Economy and Private Sector Development" that focuses on the important role of the private sector to speed up the world's transition towards a regenerative, resilient, and competitive economy.