The World Bank Group Webinar - Circular Economy and Plastics

Organisation :
World Bank Group Webinar - Circular Economy and Plastics

On 21 October at 3:00pm CEST, the World Bank Group is organising a live event on "Circular Economy and Plastics" to discuss circular plastics models, issues of economic viability, environmental impact and scalability in the context of post COVID-19 crisis. 

Speakers include: 

  • Roland Geyer, Professor, UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
  • Jane von Rabenau, CEO and founder, Siklus
  • Seah Kian Hoe (“Kian”), founder and managing director, Heng Hiap Industries (HHI)
  • Michael A.  Saltzberg , Global Business Director for Biomaterial, DuPont
  • Sander Defruyt, Lead,  New Plastics Economy initiative
  • Juliet  Kabera, Director General, Rwanda Environment Management Authority
Themes :