World Bank - UNEP joint webinar: Connecting sustainable energy businesses with education

On 25 February 2021 at 13:00 CET, the World Bank and UNEP are hosting a joint webinar on 'Connecting sustainable energy businesses with education'.
This event will help employers and educators connect to prepare the workforce for the green economy. The clean energy transition is creating new job opportunities around the world. With the rapid expansion of renewables and energy efficiency, along with technology disruptions, the needed skill sets of tomorrow’s workforce are going to be significantly different. How can the private sector connect with educational and training institutions to prepare the workforce for clean energy and the green economy?
The intended audience for this webinar is businesses and organizations in the green economy and clean energy sectors, higher education institutions, and workforce developers. This webinar will provide two opportunities: for private sector employers to share what businesses need in their new hires; and for employers and educators to streamline communications about curricula and recruitment. The event will also discuss the policies, processes, and incentive mechanisms (within the private sector, education, and the labor market) required to support the development of the green workforce.  
The webinar will be highly interactive with the participants. It will begin with a panel of speakers from business associations in the clean energy and green economy sectors, and respondents from higher education/workforce development. Participants will learn and be asked about their needs regarding future employees and gaps in the recruitment and talent pipelines.
Organized by the UNEP Education team and World Bank’s Energy team under the “Disruptive Clean Energy Transition and Employment Opportunities” activity, funded by ESMAP.


Sectors :
Tags :
renewable energy
energy efficiency
clean energy