World Bank Webinar - Blockchain and Climate Markets

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On 23 April 2019 (10:00 AM EDT) the World Bank Group is holding a webinar on "Blockchain and Climate Markets". 

Carbon Pricing, an instrument that reduces GHG emissions, also drives technological innovation necessary to mitigate climate change and foster low carbon development. Market based carbon pricing instruments, such as emissions trading schemes, often face challenges around data collection, transparency processing and analysis that make conducting transaction across different systems quite complex. Adoption of Blockchain, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and other Disruptive Technologies holds the promise of addressing the needs of new generation climate-markets to develop, manage and harmonize information of GHG mitigation actions across multiple industry sectors and governmental jurisdictions. It also provides data sharing with transaction management elements well aligned with the requirements of the post 2020 climate markets.

On the contours of ‘Blockchain and Emerging Digital Technologies for Enhancing Post-2020 Climate Markets’ report, this webinar will commence with a brief overview of the existing technologies and practices in the climate markets, to then deep-dive into how Blockchain, as an emerging technology will enhance the development of next generation of climate - markets.

Registration Ends: 23 April 2019.

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