WRI Webinar - Nature for Adaptation: Mobilising Climate Finance to Support Nature-Based Solutions

Organisation :
World Resources Institute (WRI)
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On 15 March 2021 at 15:00 (CET), the World Resources Institute (WRI) is hosting a webinar on 'Nature for Adaptation: Mobilising Climate Finance to Support Nature-Based Solutions'.

Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer a wide range of adaptation and resilience benefits, along with other social and economic benefits, and have steadily gained increased attention worldwide. However, according to a new World Resources Institute (WRI) working paper, Public International Funding of Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation: A Landscape Assessment, the amount of public international funding directly supporting these approaches is still relatively small.

Join the webinar for the paper's launch, highlighting its key findings and recommendations to address key barriers and maximize opportunities to scale up funding for nature-based solutions. Report authors will discuss the current landscape of global climate finance for nature-based solutions for adaptation. An interactive panel will then highlight the perspectives, experiences, and emerging priorities of key donors and an implementing country in supporting nature-based solutions for adaptation, as well as identify opportunities to strengthen the NbS agenda in the run-up to COP26 and beyond.


  • Manish Bapna, Vice President and Managing Director, World Resources Institute (WRI) ​​​​​​
  • Patricia Fuller, Ambassador for Climate Change, Government of Canada
  • Jonathan Cook, Paper Co-Author & Senior Associate of Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute (WRI) 
  • Stacy Swann, Paper Co-Author & CEO and Founding Partner, Climate Finance Advisors
  • Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Associate, Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute (WRI) (Moderator)


  • Ulrika Åkesson, Lead Policy Specialist Environment and Climate Change, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
  • Chizuru Aoki, Lead Environmental Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • Mathias Bertram, Advisor on International Biodiversity Policies and Nature-based Solutions, Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany
  • Rosa Morales Saravia, General Director of Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of the Environment, Peru
  • Alex White, Team Leader, International NbS Policy and Finance, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), United Kingdom
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