Browse Big-E

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Poland commits to increasing carbon storage in its forests. This commitment will contribute to the stabilisation of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Poland aims to achieve this commitment through the possible establishment of a national market system for carbon credits. This system will facilitate the sale of credits that reflect the carbon offset by forestry projects. As a first step, Poland will consider a climate policy framework that creates forestry projects and establishes a national market for carbon credits.

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructure. 

Implementing partner includes State Forests. 

The commitment is relevant to SDG 15. 

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Poland commits to provide support for local governments, businesses, housing communities and individuals in the field of energy efficiency and renewable resources. The commitment includes consultations services for local governments in area of preparation, verification and implementing Plans for Low Emission economy as well as training for local energy managers. It is expected to lead to the creation of Internet Platform allowing for the exchange of good practices and experience in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The commitment will increase awareness of  low-energy economy, increase the number and quality of Plans for Low-Emission Economy (PLEE/SEAP), and increase the number of investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources. ​

The commitment falls under focus areas 4 and 9 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards sustainable consumption patterns; and to promote public participation and education for sustainable development. 

Implementing partners include 14 Vovoidship Funds for Environmental Protection & Water Management and Marshal Office in Lublin.

The commitment is relevant to SDG target 7.3.

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Poland commits to reducing carbon dioxide emission through co-financing projects that aim to improve the energy-efficiency of street lighting systems under the Green Investment Scheme. The commitment will result in an improvement of quality of life and safety for residences.

The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the Batumi Initiative to develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns and is relevant to SDG target 7.3.


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Poland commits to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels’ combustion by co-financing the construction of agricultural biogas plants using renewable resources. Projects eligible for co-financing include the construction or development of facilities for electricity production using agricultural biogas; thermal energy facilities using agricultural biogas; installation for the production of agricultural biogas. The aim will be to introduce agricultural biogas into distribution and direct gas networks. The commitment aims to develop energy production from renewable energy sources and improve quality of life for residents. 

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructure.

This commitment is relevant to SDG target 7.2.

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Poland commits to protect forests against threats arising from climate change especially in land retention and erosion prevention in lowlands and mountainous areas. The commitment will be implemented within the II Priority Axis of the Infrastructure and Environment Programme, in particular measure 2.1 of climate change adaptiaton, protection and enhancing resilience to natural disasters and environmental monitoring.

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initaitve to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructure. 

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 6 and 12. 

Country :

Poland commits to protecting forests against threats arising from climate change especially in land retention and erosion prevention in lowlands and mountainous areas. The commitment will be implemented within the II Priority Axis of the Infrastructure and Environment Programme. In particular, it is covered by measure 2.1 for climate change adaptation, protection and enhancing resilience to natural disasters, and environmental monitoring.

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of the ecological infrastructure. 

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 6 and 12.