Case Study: Enhancing Climate Resilience in Sri Lanka and Bhutan Sub-National Governments

Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP)

This case study reports on the efforts that the sub-national governments of Bhutan and Sri Lanka took to prepare their Climate Resilient Development Action Plans (CRCAPs), which are expected to contribute towards achieving their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Kurunegala City in Sri Lanka and Sarpang District in Bhutan were selected to prepare a CRCAP based on their commitment to climate-resilient development and also as per the recommendation of their national governments. Both sub-national governments are emerging urban centres and struggling with rising urban trends and the impact of climate change. The CRCAPs support the sub-national governments by estimating greenhouse gas emissions, assessing the vulnerability hotspots, and coming up with specific actions plans for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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