Leaping Forward in Green Transport: The Case of Korea

Authors :
Changgi Lee, Nancy L. Vandycke, Nak Moon Sung, Sand Dae Choi, Eun Joo Allison Yi, Sangjoo Lee
Korea Green Growth Partnership (KGGP), World Bank Group (WBG)

Big cities in developing countries are centers of economic growth, and magnets for people seeking better opportunities. That is the good part. The bad part is that the resulting population increases and economic growth come with traffic congestion, higher greenhouse gas emissions, and heavy pollution. Not long ago, Korean cities suffered from similar problems, but a combination of government policies, reforms, “demand-side” approaches, and innovative financing schemes helped turned congested urban roadways into mass transit-oriented cities, while reducing greenhouse gases and improving the lives of citizens. Leaping Forward in Green Transport: The Case of Korea—the Korean Green Growth Partnership’s (KGGP) Knowledge Note number 2—explains Korea’s approach to “Green” transport, and offers compelling lessons for other emerging economies.

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