The PAGE Advanced Learning Materials is a set of 15 advanced learning units on green economy with thematic focus on “Green economy policy assessments” and “Greening economic sectors”. The first section is dedicated to macroeconomic green economy assessments, explaining the purpose of green economy modelling, and detailing green job assessments and green industry assessments. The second section focuses on the following economic sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Energy, Forestry, Manufacturing, Tourism, Transport, Waste and Water.
This work complements the self-standing set of “Introductory Learning Materials on Green Economy” available here: http://www.un-page.org/resources/introductory-learning-materials-green-economy-0. The main purpose of all learning materials is to support national and international partners when delivering trainings and/or workshops on IGE issues. The learning materials are customizable to national contexts. Moreover you can pick and choose from different units and slides can be added/replaced and are supplied with speakers notes.