In this online courses participants are actually designing development projects—real projects within communities. In the courses, you will develop projects on the ground, which focuses on a community-based adaptation approach to climate change. You will also investigate the special challenges in your adaptation project and refine your project's activities. Build...

This document presents the training manual for the University of West Indies course, “Understanding and Operationalizing the Green Economy into National Development Planning in the Caribbean Context”. It is designed to engage professionals in the public and private sectors in discussion about what is required to transition to a green...

The forest sector has a great potential to generate jobs and income, support livelihoods and contribute to rural development by supplying goods and maintaining forest ecosystem services. The forest sector is expected to play an important role in the emerging green economy in the pan-European region. The transition to a...

An online course that provides participants with hands-on understanding of sustainable consumption and production and its role as a stand-alone sustainable development goal in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Focused on SDG 12, this online course is designed and delivered in partnership with the Collaborating...

Each part of the world faces specific vulnerabilities to climate change and has different opportunities to mitigate the effects and build resilience in the 21st century. With the ratification of the Paris Agreement, many countries have acceded to act in combatting climate change. Indeed, without climate action, decades of sustainable...