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Organisation :
Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre

Climate change will have a profound impact on countries and economies. In addition to climate mitigation, significant investments in climate adaptation measures are required from both public and private sources. 

This Frankfurt e-course, Certified Expert in Climate Adaptation Finance, aims to explain the many facets of, and perspectives on, climate adaptation finance. It will...

photo by American Public Power Association on unsplash
Organisation :
Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre
The Frankfurt e-course, Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance, aims to explain the specifics of climate and renewable energy finance.
Oxford, United Kingdom
Organisation :
Environment Europe
On 15-31 August 2019, the Environment Europe Organisation is offering an Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2019. The School will address key elements of the new economy transformation, exploring the cutting edge methods and policy applications in ecological economics. The course will be composed of theoretical and applied modules and will address three key elements of the new economy transformation: an industrial ecology approach, multiple criteria methods for decision making and new tools for measuring progress.
Organisation :
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
Strategic Alliance on Green Bond Market Development in G20 Emerging Economies (STA)
This 2-hour Introduction to Sustainable Finance eCourse provides technical knowledge on why and how to choose sustainable finance solutions over conventional investment. The course is presented in three modules: Fundamentals of Sustinable Finance; Sustainable Finance Market; Sustainable Finance Products.
EPFL - Building expertise on developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure
Organisation :
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
On 17 June 2019, the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is offering a 6-week MOOC on "Building expertise on developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure".
Organisation :
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The Open University
Starting on April 29 2019, UN Environment and Open University are offering a Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter with a two-week Leadership Track and an eight-week Expert Track. The MOOC on marine litter strives to teach students through action-oriented learning how they can apply successful and inspiring activities to their own local context, regardless of their profession or location. The course will present different options and tools to combat marine pollution.
Organisation :
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
This course introduces people to the basic concepts, policy instruments, and international frameworks of inclusive green economies. The course is self-paced, with ten hours of materials.
Organisation :
United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)
On 27 May - 28 June 2019, the United Nations System Staff College is offering an online course on "Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development." This engaging online course is designed to equip participants with a sound understanding of why policy coherence is important for achieving sustainable development, what coherent policy-making entails, and what are the specific tools, mechanisms and approaches that can be employed to foster policy coherence.
Organisation :
UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn)
UNCC is offering 10-hours self-paced e-Learning course Introduction to Green Economy that introduces the basic policy instruments and international frameworks of inclusive green economies.
Organisation :
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
From 15 April - 31 May 2019, eleven partner organisations are offering a free seven-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Biodiversity Finance. It will provide you with the tools to assess the policy, institutional, and economic context for biodiversity finance; conduct a financial needs assessment to achieve a country’s biodiversity goals; and develop a biodiversity finance plan that identifies the most suitable finance solutions.