On 27 April 2021 at 14:00 (CET), the UN Environment Management Group (EMG) is virtual event a webinar on 'Defining Green Recovery'.
The UN Environment Management Group (EMG), in close collaboration with UNEP, UNEP-FI, UNESCAP, UNECE, UNECA, ECLAC, ESCWA, and RCNYO, will organize a 3-part series of virtual Nexus Dialogues on Addressing COVID-19 for the Environment.
The introductory dialogue (Defining Green Recovery) aims at pushing the needle forward to frame the rest of the series through stronger operationalization, to effectively monitor, evaluate and verify the impact of recovery and stimulus measures on environmental outcomes. It is followed by a second dialogue (Financing Green Recovery) focusing on the important role of the public sector, and fiscal policy, that can support a stronger and greener economic recovery, whilst creating a collaborative and enabling environment for the private sector to mobilize resources to Build Back Better. Finally, the third dialogue (Regional Nexus Approaches to Building Back Better) presents case studies on “Regional Acceleration of Climate Action and Decarbonization” and exchanges surrounding nexus thinking and integrated policy-making tools.
There will be three online Nexus Dialogues in the series covering:
1. Defining Green Recovery (27 April 2021)
Reaching a better understanding of what “green recovery” means will help develop measurable, comparable and timely indicators that allow to effectively monitor, evaluate and verify the impact of recovery and stimulus measures on environmental outcomes and thereby ensure that recovery is well targeted and executed. Also, a clearer definition of “green recovery” creates transparency, increases trust and provides guidance in the context of current and future intergovernmental processes.
2. Financing Green Recovery (4 May 2021)
3. Regional Nexus Approaches to Building Back Better (15 June 2021)