National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Financing Framework and Implementation Plan was initiated by the Royal Government of Cambodia to strengthen and better integrate the already ongoing processes to reduce Cambodia's vulnerability and integrate climate change adaptation into sectoral policy and budget planning.
The NAP Financing Framework is based on the outputs and key findings resulting from previous analytical and planning exercises, strategic plans and policies that Cambodian institutions have undertaken. The objective of this document is to bring the NAP processes in Cambodia closer to its execution phase by analyzing and articulating the financing dimensions (scoping demand, existing gaps, funding options at domestic and international levels) and offering an implementation plan for the NAP financing framework.
The Financing Implementation Plan incorporates concrete actions to trigger the implementation of NAP priorities in the short-term, facilitates potential synergies with other climate programs in the mid-term, and enhances the country's capacity to further plan and implement adaptation measures in the longer-term. The framework is making both medium and long-term recommendations as well as short-term suggestions for 40 priority change actions. These include among others, to pursue sector-wide or programmatic approaches rather than small-sized projects, to strengthen project and budgeting capacities, to further develop a national repository on climate science/knowledge/development, to further strengthen sectoral coordination, to continue to mainstream climate proofing into ministries' budgets, and integrate gender dimensions in climate responses.