Cambodia's Second National Communication presents the information on national circumstances, national GHG inventory for the year 2000 and GHG emission projections, impacts and vulnerability to climate change, the situation with respect to the implementation of climate change and related plans, programmes and projects in these areas, financial commitments, technology transfer and international cooperation, systematic research and observation, education, training and public awareness and constraints, gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs.
This document has been prepared to fulfill Cambodia's commitments to the Convention and hence is organized in eight chapters, in accordance with the articles 4 and 12 of the Convention. It contains the necessary information about the country's major sources of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks, vulnerability and adaptation options, together with necessary mitigation measures that Cambodia has implemented, continues to implement, to adapt to climate change impacts and to further contribute to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Chapter 2 describes Cambodia’s circumstances, which include information about the Government structure, policy, geography, climate, demography, and economy. Chapter 3 provides information on the national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, which updates the amount of GHG emissions and removals from economic sectors. The results of a comprehensive study about vulnerabilities to climate change, including a scenario analysis for future situations, are provided in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 deals with the mitigation of GHG emissions in the energy sector, while Chapter 6 describes the contributions to mitigation from the agriculture, land use and forestry sectors. Some additional information is presented in Chapter 7, including information on the integration of climate change into relevant policies, and information related to technology transfer, research, systematic observations, education, awareness raising, and capacity building. Chapter 8 provides information on existing gaps and constraints, with an indication of how these will be covered in future reporting under the UNFCCC obligations and commitments.