Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA) II, 2014-2017 - Vol I: Policy Framework provides a consistent set of policy objectives and strategies to guide the preparation and implementation of medium-term and annual development plans and budgets at sector and district levels. It also serves as a platform for donor coordination.
The transformation of Ghana’s economy and society will be anchored in its prospects and platforms for development. The prospects include: building or strengthening the essential elements of good governance and promoting light manufacturing that builds upon Ghana’s comparative strength in natural resource endowments and the large pool of skilled and semi-skilled labour force. On the other hand, the transformation platforms include such key pillars as institutional capacity and management; a growing infrastructure base; an enabling environment for business; social intervention and public safety net to ensure that Ghana’s development process is inclusive; and an abundance of relatively high-quality labour.
Consequently, the medium-term priority policies are anchored in the following thematic areas:
- Ensuring and sustaining macroeconomic stability,
- Enhancing competitiveness of Ghana’s private sector
- Accelerated agriculture modernisation and sustainable natural resource management
- Oil and gas development
- Infrastructure and human settlements development
- Human Development, Productivity and Employment
- Transparent, Responsive and Accountable Governance
Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA) II, 2014-2017 - Vol II: Costing Framework is also available on the GGKP National Document Database.