Morocco National Sustainable Development Strategy (in French)

An executive summary of this text is also available in English.
The Kingdom of Morocco is committed to meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century by making sustainable development a true social project and a new model for development under the enlightened impetus of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. Since then, this commitment to the fundamentals of sustainable development has resulted in successive reforms aimed at building solid foundations for economic development, improving social conditions and accelerating the pace of environmental achievements through both preventive and corrective measures. In this document, the four principles and the vision behind the National Sustainable Development Strategy are discussed, and budgetary and implementation plans are provided.
7 Challenges with 137 detailed underlying development objectives to operationalize the sustainable development strategy are presented in this document:
  • Consolidate the governance of sustainable development;
  • Succeed in the transition towards a green economy;
  • Improve the management and development of natural resources and strengthen biodiversity conservation;
  • Accelerate the implementation of the national climate change policy;
  • Give particular attention to sensitive areas;
  • Promote human development and reduce social and territorial inequalities; 
  • Promote a culture of sustainable development. 


Countries :
Government Entity :
Kingdom of Morocco