Roadmap for a Circular Chile by 2040

Organisation :
Chile Ministry of the Environment (MMA), Chile Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism (MINECON), Agencia de Sustentabilidad y Cambio Climatico Chile (ASCC), Corporación de Fomento de la Producción de Chile (CORFO)

This comprehensive roadmap, from the Chilean Ministry of the Environment, with support from other governmental agencies, sets out a plan for the transition to a circular economy in Chile over the next two decades to a 2040 target, with intermediary goals for 2030.

The report details the principles of the circular economy in the Chilean context and the importance of developing a plan to achieve it. It is focused on the vision that by 2040, a regenerative circular economy drives Chile to a sustainable, fair and participatory development path that puts people at the centre.

The roadmap focuses on seven long-term goals, including those related to green job generation, recycling and waste management. The seven goals are supported by plans in four pillars of the transition: circular innovation, circular culture, circular regulation and circular territories.

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