Arthouros Zervos is the Chair of the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). He is a Professor at the National Technical University of Athens and was previously Chairman and CEO of the Greek electricity utility Public Power Corporation (PPC) as well as Chairman of PPC Renewables. He held both positions from 2009 to 2015.
Arthouros has more than 30 years of high-level experience in policy, science, research and technology across the renewable energy sector. He led key European and international renewable energy bodies and has been a policy advisor to governments, various EU bodies and in numerous policy fora. Arthouros was President of the European Wind Energy Association (2001- 2013), President of the European Renewable Energy Council (2000-2012), and President of the Global Wind Energy Council (2005-2010). In 2013 he received the “Poul La Cour” prize for outstanding achievement in wind energy.
Arthouros is a graduate of Princeton University with a Bachelor and Master Degrees of Science in Engineering as well as a Ph.D. Degree from the Université P. et M. Curie (Paris 6)