Hana Brixi
As Manager for the Human Capital Project, Dr. Brixi leads a global effort to accelerate more and better investments in people for greater equity and economic growth. In her career, Dr. Brixi has been advancing progress on human development, governance and macroeconomic and fiscal policy. She served as Practice Manager leading World Bank engagement on social protection and jobs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region; Global Lead for service delivery; Lead Economist and other roles in MENA, East Asia and Pacific and Europe & Central Asia Regions. Based in China during 2001-10, she also served as World Health Organization’s Sector Manager and UNICEF Social Policy Chief.
Dr. Brixi published several books, including Trust, Voice and Incentives on governance and service delivery and Government at Risk on contingent liabilities and fiscal risk management (Oxford University Press), and numerous articles on topics of public finance, governance, and human development in professional journals.