Jules Schers is a PhD student at CIRED (France) working on the question of the environment-economy nexus for South Africa, meaning: under which conditions a carbon tax could benefit both a reduction of CO2 emissions and inclusive economic development. For this he develops a South African version of CIRED’s IMACLIM CGE model, which uses dual accounting of the economy and physical flows. The project is supported by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and benefits from cooperation with the Energy Research Centre of the University of Cape Town.
Jules holds a MSc in Energy Science from Utrecht University and wrote his MSc thesis on benefits, trends and costs of grid extension in rural areas for the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL, Bilthoven). He worked on the topic of energy access for the World Energy Outlook 2012. In addition, he is knowledgeable in Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and previously worked in engineering and environmental consultancy on carbon footprinting, renewable energy and waste management.