Kai Schlegelmilch is a political economist and banker by training and is Vice-President of Green Budget Germany (GBG) and Green Budget Europe (GBE), think tanks and NGOs demanding more fiscal and economic instruments to be applied in environmental policies (www.foes.de; www.green-budget.eu). He is an expert on Environmental Fiscal Reforms (EFR) and has worked for 21 years in national and international research, policy and government institutions, focussing on energy, renewable and climate policies and required fiscal incentives. He also advised several Asian Governments (China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam) regarding the implementation of an EFR. He developed and applied trainings on Environmental Fiscal Reform, most recently for islands, mostly developing states. In 2010/11 he led a European Commission’s project of case studies on Environmental Fiscal Reforms in developing countries. For the past 15 years he worked for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Building in Germany.