Pozhamkandath K. Viswanathan holds a PhD in Economics from the Institute for Social and Economic Change in Bangalore, India. He started his professional career in 1994 as a Scientist (Economics) and later worked as Economist at the Rubber Research Institute of India (Government of India), Kerala until 2007. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok during 2005 and later at the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand during 2006-07.
Since 2007, he has worked as Associate Professor at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India, Economics and Management of Natural Resources; Agrarian Transformation and Rural livelihoods; Aspects of Technology, Institutions, Policies and Governance; Economics of Climate Change and Conservation of Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystems; Resource intensive production systems, Sustainable energy policies.
Since 2012, he also teaches a course on “Environmental Management and Sustainable Development”, for MBA at the Amrita School of Business, Cochin, Amrita Viswa Vidya Peetham, Kerala, India. During 2013, he also worked as an International Consultant for Agricultural Census Studies, FAO of the United Nations, Lao PDR, Vientiane.