UNDP established the Green Commodities Programme (GCP) in 2009, with the mission to transform agricultural production and trade around the world through multi-stakeholder collaboration and the establishment of effective national enabling environments in producer countries.
Agricultural commodities are the engine of economic growth in rural areas of emerging markets where they account for 10% of gross domestic products. However, it is broadly recognized that innovative strategies are needed in order to implement improved agricultural practices, increase supply chain efficiencies, combat poverty, maintain ecosystem services and biodiversity, strengthen rural economic development and ensure the long-term supply of commodities to global markets.
UNDP's Green Commodities Programme (GCP) combines public and private efforts to transform a commodity sector. GCP is a neutral broker with strong technical expertise, bringing together the various stakeholders of the targeted commodity sector at country level to address underlying structural problems. GCP focuses on highly traded commodities with substantial environmental and social impacts. It has initiated programs on palm oil, pineapple, cocoa, coffee, soy, beef and dairy.