Since 2012, the Bank has been providing technical assistance to its regional member countries for engaging on a green growth pathway. As part of this technical assistance project, the Sierra Leonean authorities requested the Bank to assist government officials and national stakeholders to consider key challenges and identify major opportunities for mainstreaming inclusive green growth into the 2013–2018 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, known as the “Agenda for Prosperity”.
The document attached has been prepared to reflect on this technical assistance that included various deliverables (see documents attached). It was done in consultation with the Sierra Leonean stakeholders and is structured as follows: Section 1 outlines principles of green growth with relevance to the specific context of Sierra Leone. Section 2 outlines the main development opportunities and challenges of Sierra Leone, structured along the three green growth pillars the country has identified. Section 3 outlines institutional and policy challenges, as well as a possible framework for green growth. Section 4 summarizes development priorities identified in the A4P, and identifies green growth options in the A4P pillars. Section 5 provides recommendations for efficient implementation.
An audio slideshow is available here: