Emerging lessons from the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)

Organisation :
Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)

In multiple sessions, starting on 13 April 2021 with two separate sessions for participants from the Asia-Pacific (8:00 CEST) and the Latin America and the Caribbean (15:00 CEST) and on 4 May 2021 for participants from the Africa region (14:00 CEST), the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is hosting a webinar on "Emerging lessons from the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)".

The webinars will include brief overviews of the status of the implementation of the AFCIA programme thus far by UNEP/CTCN and a reflection on early lessons emerging from the responses to the first round of calls.

Guest speakers from the Adaptation Fund, the CTCN Advisory Board, UNEP and UNDP, and well as experts, practitioners and Government representatives of developing countries, will be reflecting on the progress made so far through the implementation of the AFCIA programme and how it can be further leveraged to support climate resilience efforts on the ground.

Moreover, there will be case studies shared from the different regions, displaying flagship innovative adaptation technology projects, followed by a panel discussion on how to foster innovative adaptation technologies in a developing country context. This discussion will offer an opportunity to engage with renowned experts in the fields of climate technology, finance, policy, innovation and gender mainstreaming, and explore different dimensions and views on innovative adaptation technologies.