Baseline Study for the Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Project - Healthcare Waste: Niue

ENVIRON Australia

This report covers a review of data on the management of healthcare waste and its disposal, as part of a broader strategy of improving waste management in Pacific Island countries, and specifically to assist in establishing sustainable healthcare waste management. It presents findings of an assessment conducted for Niue, including recommendations and a proposed implementation plan for each recommendation to achieve sustainable management of healthcare waste in the country.

Recommendations for Niue include the need to:

  • Appoint a responsible officer and/or waste management committee
  • Supply of signage to explain the colour-coded segregation system as well as posters to promote it
  • Establish a waste segregation auditing programme/refresher training capacity
  • Develop an infection control policy and procedures
  • Improve infectious waste treatment Infrastructure
  • Improve X-ray liquid waste management


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