Ghana's National Action Plan to Mitigate Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

Ghana's short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) action plan outlines a set of comprehensive measures that builds on existing national efforts to better local air quality and reduce GHG emissions. It details how Ghana aims to increase its efforts for reducing SLCP emissions in the immediate to long-term through:

  • Identification, prioritisation and implementation of feasible SLCP abatement measures that are politically correct, economically sound, socially acceptable and environmentally friendly.
  • Mobilisation of adequate funding from international and national sources for sustained implementation of specific interventions to control SLCP emissions.
  • Integration of SLCP mitigation measures into national and sector plans.
  • Creation of national awareness on the immediate and long-term health and food security benefits that Ghana stands to gain by taking necessary steps to address SLCP emissions.


Countries :
Government Entity :
Government of Ghana