The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine commits to develop an eco-industrial parks model in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and resource-efficient production.
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine commits to develop and implement sustainable public procurement policies.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development assigns an important role to providing new growth dynamics of developing an inclusive transformation economy, based on the principles of sustainable consumption and production. Sustainable public procurement was identified as one of the means to achieve sustainability and a key condition for the transition to a green economy. It is necessary to identify the main tasks and measures for the introduction of sustainable public procurement in Ukraine.
The commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to change in consumer behaviour in favour of sustainable consumption patterns.
Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and others.
The commitment is relevant to SDG 12.
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine commits to develop and implement state policy to prevent climate change.
The Paris Agreement aims to prevent climate change and strengthen global responses to the effects of climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to overcome poverty. In accordance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement, each country should develop its nationally determined contributions aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable low-carbon development of all sectors of the economy and increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Ukraine signed and on July 14, 2016, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Paris Agreement, which contains rules regarding the elaboration of long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies.
The commitment falls under focus area 1 of the Batumi Initiative to improve natural capital change and assessment.
Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and others.
The commitment is relevant to SDG 13.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine commits to develop an action plan on introducing resource efficient and cleaner production into manufacturing and other economic sectors of Ukraine within the Strategy of the Industrial Development.
Resource efficient and cleaner production is the key component of sustainable industrial development policy and green economy implementation in many countries. In Ukraine, the outcomes of introducing resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) approach at 83 industrial enterprises within 6 regions during 2013 – 2017 have proven its significant potential in reducing costs, saving physical resources, energy and water, and increasing competitiveness of enterprises. It is necessary to integrate the RECP approach into the industrial policy, determine key tasks for its extensive use in economy and industry, financial instruments to motivate enterprises and institutional measures to provide its sustainability.