Longoz forests

Congo Basin Sustainable Landscapes Programme

Promoting change in the protection and sustainable management of the Congo Basin forests for a positive and lasting impact on its people and biodiversity.

Community of Practice 

Please join our Community of Practice

This Community of Practice brings together the community of concerned and engaged actors – practitioners, decision makers, donors, communities, the civil society, businesses – who are willing to make a real difference by investing time, resources and knowledge to enhance and uphold the role of the Congo Basin as the space for innovations and solutions to our global climate and biodiversity crisis. The forum provides an open and a collaborative space for learning, dialogue and sharing on processes, approaches innovations and investments that drive and have the potential to catalyze green transformation of the Congo Basin.

Report on Apes and Agriculture 

Supported by GEF, this report explores key threats that agricultural expansion poses to great apes and their habitats, and highlights priority actions to moderate these risks

This paper highlights synergistic and antagonistic co-occurrences between agriculture and great apes

The Congo Basin Sustainable Landscapes Programme includes the GEF-funded Congo Basin Integrated Programme and IKI Funded Congo Peatland Project. Both projects promote change in the protection and sustainable management of tropical forests in the Congo Basin.

With funding under GEF7 (2021-2026), UNEP is supporting governments and stakeholders in Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo in sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin. Under GEF8 (2025-2030), this work will be expanded to Angola and São Tomé et Principe.

Supported both by IKI and GEF, UNEP is also working with partners and stakeholders to preserve and sustainably manage the Congo Basin Peatlands, the largest tropical peatlands ecosystem of the planet. The project “Securing crucial biodiversity, carbon and water stores in the Congo Basin Peatlands by enabling evidence-based decision making and good governance” is a pillar of UNEP’s engagement with the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Congo to advance peatlands conservation.

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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
