Browse Big-E

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Azerbaijan commits to establishing cross-ministerial legal and policy frameworks to ensure MRV systems are reliable, including with third party verification. The commitment is relevant to SDGs 9 and 13. Partners include the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Energy, State Oil Company, “Azerenergy” OJSC, and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Azerbaijan commits to invest in sustainable mobility (introduce temporary car-free hours, days, or zones, invest in good quality public transport infrastructure, as well as in cleaner fuels and low- and zero emission vehicles), and encourage the wider usage of sustainable tourist transport.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 9, 11...

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Azerbaijan commits to address barriers of retrofitting and implementing water and energy efficiency improvements of buildings and energy systems, as well as waste management infrastructures at local and regional levels. The commitment is relevant to SDGs 7, 9, 11, 12, 13. Partners include the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Economy, executive authorities, and municipalities. The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Azerbaijan commits to the development of non-motorized transport infrastructure that enables low carbon transportation that has significant health and economic co-benefits. Partners include: Baku Transport Agency, The Ministry of Digital Development and Transport The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Armenia commits to promote electric mobility in Armenia.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 9, 11, 13 and 15.

The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Armenia commits to the development and implementation of a green and sustainable economic development strategy.

The commitment falls under focus areas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Albania commits to prepare for the first time the national plan on chemicals safe management, as a legal requirement of the law 27/2016 “On chemicals management”. This plan will determine the objectives and measures that will be implemented in the next 5 years in Albania in order to protect people and the environment against toxic and dangerous chemicals.

Partners include the Sweden Chemicals Agency (KemI) and SIDA.
The commitment is relevant to SDGs 3, 6, 8, 9 and 12.
The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

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Albania commits to update the National Ambient Air Quality Strategy, approved by Decision of Council of Ministers no. 594, of 10.9.2014, or draft a New Strategy and to develop a set of air quality indicators for the updated/new strategy to track implementation.

Air pollution policy can significantly contribute to achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals, notably to: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all; end hunger, achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture; make cities and human settlements safe and sustainable; ensure access to sustainable and modern energy for all; and protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and halt biodiversity loss.

The commitment is part of the Nicosia call 2022.

Organisation :
Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy
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The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan commits to establish an International Center for Green Technology and Investment.

The center will be established as an information, education and capacity-building tool. It will cover seven main activity areas: Power sector transformation, sustainable urban development, green business development, transfer and adaptation of green technologies and best practices, development of green funding, development of renewable energy sources, and capacity-building for green growth.

Organisation :
Ukraine Ministry for Development of Economy and Trade
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The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine commits to develop an eco-industrial parks model in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and resource-efficient production.