Browse Big-E

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The Netherlands commits to transforming its construction and demolition sector under the circular construction approach. In the circular construction approach, buildings are designed to accommodate alternative functions, allow for modifications and use only renewable resources when they are in use. The commitment will prioritise the cost-effective utilisation of materials, encourage cooperation and provide incentives to innovate. In order to produce long-term benefits, the Netherlands will invest to support the sustainable practices in the building and real estate sectors.

The commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns.

Implementing partners will include Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations. Other parties will provide input for the pilot project, including the private sector, civil society organisations and knowledge institutions.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 11 and 13.

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The Netherlands commits to shifting towards electric propulsion and alternative fuels in transport sectors. In 2014, the government of the Netherlands, together with all relevant stakeholders, from the private sector, civil society organisations and knowledge institutes created a Vision and accompanying Action Plan on a sustainable fuel mix for the future. These documents explain which fuels can best be used to power aircraft, ships, trains and road vehicles. Electric motors will be combined with sustainable biofuels and renewable gas as a transitional option and a long-term solution for heavy transport. Both avenues will be supported by continual efforts to improve efficiency. For the shipping sector, the Netherlands is committed to implementing efficiency measures in combination with a transition to LNG and use of sustainable biofuels for short-sea and inland shipping. In the aviation sector, improvements in efficiency are being made by means of innovative aircraft technology, operations and infrastructure, as well as continued development and application of sustainable biokerosene sourcing, production and distribution.

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Poland commits to provide support for local governments, businesses, housing communities and individuals in the field of energy efficiency and renewable resources. The commitment includes consultations services for local governments in area of preparation, verification and implementing Plans for Low Emission economy as well as training for local energy managers. It is expected to lead to the creation of Internet Platform allowing for the exchange of good practices and experience in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The commitment will increase awareness of  low-energy economy, increase the number and quality of Plans for Low-Emission Economy (PLEE/SEAP), and increase the number of investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources. ​

The commitment falls under focus areas 4 and 9 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards sustainable consumption patterns; and to promote public participation and education for sustainable development. 

Implementing partners include 14 Vovoidship Funds for Environmental Protection & Water Management and Marshal Office in Lublin.

The commitment is relevant to SDG target 7.3.

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Poland commits to reducing carbon dioxide emission through co-financing projects that aim to improve the energy-efficiency of street lighting systems under the Green Investment Scheme. The commitment will result in an improvement of quality of life and safety for residences.

The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the Batumi Initiative to develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns and is relevant to SDG target 7.3.


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Poland commits to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels’ combustion by co-financing the construction of agricultural biogas plants using renewable resources. Projects eligible for co-financing include the construction or development of facilities for electricity production using agricultural biogas; thermal energy facilities using agricultural biogas; installation for the production of agricultural biogas. The aim will be to introduce agricultural biogas into distribution and direct gas networks. The commitment aims to develop energy production from renewable energy sources and improve quality of life for residents. 

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructure.

This commitment is relevant to SDG target 7.2.

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The Netherlands commits switching to 100 percent emissions-free busses. This commitment will reduce CO2 emission for the whole society including the mobility and the transport sector.  The Association of Provincial Authorities and the metropolitan regions have agreed that their tendering procedure for bus concessions will include the requirement that all buses are zero-emissions vehicles. A further requirement is that by no later than 2025, the energy that powers the buses must be generated completely sustainably by solar panels or wind turbines in the region. In recent years, several regions have conducted trials using hydrogen-powered buses. The commitment will result in the generation of a greener bus market that creates room for technologies that are new, innovative, and less expensive.

The commitment falls under focus areas 4 and 5 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns; and develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns.

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Romania commits to develop a National Action Plan on sustainable consumption and production (SCP). The plan will be developed by national authorities and relevant stakeholders and approved by a government decision. The development of the National Action Plan will take into consideration existing European and national legal frameworks. The commitment will result in the achievement of eco-efficient management of resource consumption, the development of an attractive business environment, and the improvement of the quality of products and services. It will stimulate technological upgrade, encourage the renewal of processes and products, develop research and innovation activities and improve the capacity of both public authorities and companies. The plan will outline in the implementation of legislation on green public procurement.

This commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours toward more sustainable consumption patterns. 

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Romania commits to operationalize a thematic group of experts on Green Economy, within the Inter-ministerial Committee that works under the Government Decision 741/2011. The commitment will result in a functional network of stakeholders from businesses, academia, non-governmental organisations along with experts from Government working on green economy policies national and regional (EEG). 
Implementing partners will include the Inter-ministerial Committee (under the Government Decision 741/2011), relevant stakeholders including the National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption (RECPNET), Federation of NGOs for Development in Romania (FOND), Global Compact Network Romania, and academia. 
This commitment is relevant to the SDGs 12, 16, and 17.

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Slovenia commits to developing and implementing the Framework Programme for Transition to a Green Economy. The Framework Programme supports numerous activities in greening the economy, sustainable management of resources, green jobs, green products and services, green budget reforms, sustainable urban development, training for a green economy, green farming practice and supporting e-activates, e-Space, e-Waters and e-Environment. With the adoption of the Framework Programme for Transition to a Green Economy in October 2015 and the activities pursued by departments in 2015 and 2016, the Slovenian Government has set a long-term development vision, orientation and strategy, and has started taking the first systematic steps to link together sectoral policies and measures.

The commitment falls under focus areas 4, 7, and 9 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours torwards sustainable consumption patterns; increase green and decent jobs, while developing the necessary human capital; and promote public participation and education for sustainable development. 

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Sweden commits to developing an action plan to implement the Strategy on New-industrialization with the purpose of reacting to global challenges and at the same time creating opportunities for business development and new jobs. The purpose of the strategy is to strengthen Swedish business on a global market, create new jobs and at the same time reduce the negative impact on the environment and the climate. This will be achieved through cooperation, integration, development of tools, new business models, more efficient use of nature resources, a circular economy where material and products are reused, material flows are toxic free and waste is used as a resource. The Action Plan will allow Swedish businesses to compete with sustainable products and services on a global market and at the same time reduce its internal costs.