Croatia commits to improving the existing National Register for Pollutant Release and Transfer by developing more relevant, validated and up-to-date data and by making the register more publicly accessible. The commitment will result in the public being well-informed of pollutant release and transfer within Croatia's national territory.
The commitment falls under focus area 5 to develop clean physical capital for sustainable production pattern.
Implementing partners include Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, and the Croatian Environment and Nature Agency.
The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 3.9 and 12.4.

Croatia commits to improve and promote the voluntary participation of organisations in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) environmental management standards and the eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS). The commitment is expected to inform companies of the benefits of ISO and EMAS participation in reducing environmental footprints. The committment will also educate companies on benefits to ISO and EMAS such as: providing proof of an organisations improvement in environmental performance; and proof of implementation of environmental management systems.
The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the develop physical capital for sustainable production patterns.
Implementing partner includes Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection.
The commitment is relevant to SDG target 12.2.

Estonia commits 111 million Euros in investment for more resource-efficient solutions in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), primarily focusing on the manufacturing industry. This commitment is given in the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. Financial support schemes are under preparation and scheduled for 2016. Activities include raising awareness of companies, training resource specialists, auditors supporting resource audits and investment in resource efficient solutions. The commitment will result in the creation of innovative solutions to increase resource productivity of enterprises and raise the countries competitiveness and economic growth.
The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the Batumi Initiative to develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns.
Implementing partner includes the Ministry of Finance, and the Environmental Investment Centre.
The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 12.2 and 12.6.

Hungary commits to organise short supply chains and farmers’ markets for agricultural products. This action aims to reinforce the role of local farmers and decrease the demand for transport, therefore minimising environmental footprints.The commitment is intended to decrease dependency on international markets while developing the local economy by creating local jobs and reinforcing local expertise and skills as well as decreasing environmental footprints from transport.
The commitment falls under focus area 6 of the Batumi Initiative to promote green and fair trade.
Implementing partner includes Ministry of Agriculture.
The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 8.5, 12. 2, and 12.8.

Hungary commits to conserve the rate of public transport use by revising relevant policies and reevaluate national budget for planning and implementation, development of public transport services and devices, alignment of intelligent transport systems (ITSs),reinforcement of information campaigns for environmental awareness. The commitment will support the transition of the Hungarian economy toward sustainability. In addition, it will have positive effects on energy use, environmental pressure by the transport sector, tourism and new job creation.
The commitment falls under focus area 8 of the Batumi Initiative to improve access to services, healthy living and well-being.
Implementing partners include Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of National Development.
The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 3.6, 9.1 and 11.2.

Hungary commits to expanding the management of food waste in line with EU Circular Economy Program and Sustainable Development Goals. While the amount of food waste in Hungary is below the EU average, it is recognised that the issue is not only a resource efficiency and waste management one but it also affects social wellbeing. The commitment will utilise legal and regulatory instrument as well as economic and educational instruments to the reduce dependency on food imports, enhance resource efficiency, and decrease household waste.
The commitment falls under the focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours toward sustainable consumption patterns.
Implementing partners include Ministry of Agriculture, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, the Hungarian Food Bank Association, and Bay Zoltan Foundation for Applied Research.
The commitment is relevant to SDG target 12.3.

Croatia commits to implement measures from its 2015-2017 Green Public Procurement (GPP) Action Plan. Croatia further commits to a new GPP Action Plan for the period of 2017-2020. The National Committee for Green Public Procurement, with 22 members from national and local stakeholder groups, has been established to coordinate and follow up the Action Plan. It is expected that the new action plan will be adopted by the beginning of 2017.
The commitment is expected to increase the use of green products and services in public procurement as well as in the development of green economy. The success of this commitment will be measured by the number of public procurement contracts using green criteria.
This commitment falls under focus area 4 to shift consumer behaviours towards sustainable consumption patterns.
Implementing partners include Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, Ministry of Economy, State Office for Central Public Procurement and the National Committee for GPP.
The commitment is relevant to SDG 12.7.

Poland commits to protecting forests against threats arising from climate change especially in land retention and erosion prevention in lowlands and mountainous areas. The commitment will be implemented within the II Priority Axis of the Infrastructure and Environment Programme. In particular, it is covered by measure 2.1 for climate change adaptation, protection and enhancing resilience to natural disasters, and environmental monitoring.
The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of the ecological infrastructure.
The commitment is relevant to SDGs 6 and 12.

Belarus commits to creating green city public transport infrastructure and incentivise the production of low carbon vehicles. This commitment will be to reduce the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gasses. It will reduce pollution in cities; save fuel resource; increase export of fuel (gained through vehicle fleet fuel savings). Belarus also commits to increase the support to domestic auto-making and transport industries.
This commitment falls under focus area 4 and 8 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns, and improve access to services, healthy living and well-being.
Implementing partners include the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus, interested national public governing bodies and the business community.
The commitment is relevant to SDGs 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16.