Browse Big-E

Organisation :
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
Country :

Finland commits to developing transboundary cooperation with neighbouring countries in order to improve ecosystem services provided by shared water bodies. The commitment will enhance transboundary cooperation, economic growth and reduce flood damages.

The commitment falls under focus areas 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructures. 

Implementing partners will include transboundary river commissions. 

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 6 and 14.

Country :

Luxembourg commits to continue to support the "Pacte Climat Etat – Communes" or “State Climate Pact – Communes”. This pact reinforces the exemplary role of Luxembourg’s communes in the country’s climate policy “Global denken – Lokal Handeln” (i.e. Think Global, Act Local). Its goal is to reduce greenhouse gases and energy costs for Luxembourg’s communes as well as to stimulate local and regional investment, economic activity and job growth. 101 of Luxembourg’s 105 communes have joined the pact.

The pact consists of a catalog of 79 measures that guide the communes towards sustainable policy in the areas of climate change, energy and transport. After joining the climate pact, communes receive financial support and can be certified with the “European Energy Award” based on their degree to which they adhere to the measures referenced above.

The commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns.

Implementing partners include Luxembourg’s communes and citizens.

The commitment is relevant to SDG 13.

Organisation :
Citadellarte - Pistoletto Foundation

The Cittadellarte-Pistoletto Foundation commits to continue its engagement with the Italian National Chamber of Fashion (whose members are major fashion brands) to create a structured path of commitments to sustainable practices in the supply chain of the fashion industry. These commitments will be on the basis of two key principles “transparency” and “traceability”. Cittadellarte operates with the scientific and technical advice of the independent public entity “Textile and Health”, whose work follows relevant international regulations. So far, up to 450 substances used in the textile sectors have been analysed and assessed, along with their use in the production process, to establish thresholds for their impacts on users, workers and the environment.

Fashion is not only one of the top three most polluting industries worldwide, but most significantly it is a value driven and value driving sector. Lifestyles and consumption trends are set, shared, and promoted via fashion. Fashion can be an extremely powerful ally of sustainable development strategies. So, Cittadellarte's effort to involve major brands is proving to be highly strategic.

Organisation :
Citadellarte - Pistoletto Foundation

The Cittadellarte-Pistoletto Foundation commits to bring together socially engaged art practitioners, social entrepreneurs, activists, scientists, journalists, representatives of public institutions, teachers, and other agents of change coming from all possible backgrounds in a three days open technology style event aimed at initiating a year-long joint-workshop locally grounded and enacted by forum participants and other organizations. The Initiative was launched in Cuba in 2015, with a follow-up in Milan in 2016.

The main objective of Rebirth fora and workshops is bringing together the many already existing good practices and achieve higher levels of common organisation, in a word, realising demopraxy (democratic praxis). The first outcome is the enhancement and reinforcement of existing projects. Second and more far-reaching is generating unprecedented cooperation’s and even new projects. Territorial intelligence is yet to be achieved by our communities and we need tools and instruments to allow this to grow.

The commitment falls under focus area 9 of the Batumi Initiative to promote public participation and education for sustainable development.

Organisation :
European ECO Forum

The European ECO Forum commits to engage with members of civil society in countries of the region to map and monitor green economy-focused activities and progress of BIG-E.  The project will also pay special attention to SCP and the targets of SDG-12, working in collaboration with UNEP and organisations involved in the 10YFP as well as research, academia and other institutions to help ensure access to relevant data and information to effectively engage in this civic monitoring activity. 

Organisation :
Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) commits to support implementation of the Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy and contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a range of knowledge generation and knowledge sharing actions, including 

  • Integrate relevant information on the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E) into the GGKP web platform 
  • Cultivate knowledge sharing in the Pan-European region and globally
  • Identify relevant research, training materials, projects and data from the region 
  • Identify and address critical knowledge gaps through the GGKP Research Committee model 
  • Facilitate the uptake of knowledge

By ensuring policy- and decision-makers have cutting-edge knowledge at their disposal, the GGKP enables countries to develop and implement on-the-ground policy change to support a green economy transition.

Organisation :
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) commits to promote the use of tools that reduce negative externalities. To achieve this, UNECE will include a subsection on internalisation of negative externalities and sustainable use of natural capital in the chapter on "Economic Instruments, Environmental Expenditures and Investments for Greening the Economy" in at least one Environmental Performance Reviews (EPR). The commitment will raise awareness of the existence of economic instruments such as Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) that could reduce the loss of natural capital as well as raise funds for environmental activities.
The commitment falls under focus areas 2 of the Batumi Initiative to promote the internalisation of negative externalities and the sustainable use of natural capital.

Implementing partners will include UN Environment and the OECD.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 14 and 15.

Country :

Poland commits to increasing carbon storage in its forests. This commitment will contribute to the stabilisation of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Poland aims to achieve this commitment through the possible establishment of a national market system for carbon credits. This system will facilitate the sale of credits that reflect the carbon offset by forestry projects. As a first step, Poland will consider a climate policy framework that creates forestry projects and establishes a national market for carbon credits.

The commitment falls under focus area 3 of the Batumi Initiative to enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services as part of ecological infrastructure. 

Implementing partner includes State Forests. 

The commitment is relevant to SDG 15. 

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Kazakhstan commits to improving the welfare of the population and the quality of the environment through cost-effective measures that mitigate pressure on the environment. The measures will include improvements to the waste management system, increases in energy savings and efficiency, improvements to the use of water, and the development of sustainable and productive agriculture. The commitment also includes the modernization of infrastructure through upgrades and new construction. Kazakhstan’s commitment will result in the transition of the Kazakh economy to a new economy model by increasing welfare and quality of life of the population. This will ensure Kazakhstan’s entry into the top 30 most developed countries of the world while minimising the degradation of natural resources and impacts to the environment. In addition, the commitment will enhance Kazakhstan’s national security, including water security.

Implementing partners include the Kazakhstan government, local authorities, the business community, non-governmental organisations, international organisations and financial institutions.

Country :

Kyrgyzstan commits to developing the legal framework that will define the country’s green economy priorities. The Government will promote the green economy, especially among small- and medium-sized businesses. The development of the legal framework is expected to ensure the active involvement of business and the public sector. The commitment will include activities to increase the awareness of the private sector about elements of the green economy. It will also educate the private sector on the benefits of green technologies to ensure long-term sustainable development. 

Implementing partners include business associations and international organisations. 

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 7, 8, and 9.