Georgia - Promote Resource Efficient Consumption and Production for SMEs

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Georgia commits to introduce resource efficient production and consumption (REPC) concept in order to promote the transition towards green economy by decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and resource depletion. The introduction of RECP should result in higher productivity and thus competitiveness on global markets, better management of natural capital, enhanced environmental quality of life, more resilient ecosystems and economies, and new business and export opportunities. Elaboration of concrete measures, policy instruments and special raising awareness campaigns which will promote the RECP methods among small and medium enterprises are one of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. The introduction of RECP methods will enhance the efficient use of natural resources including water, energy and materials as well as minimize the impact on environment and nature, by preventing the generation of waste and emissions including those discharged to water, air or on land. On the other hand, these methods will decrease the production costs for industry representatives.

The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the Batumi Initiative to develop clean physical for sustainable production patterns. 

Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, other relevant governmental institutions, and international organizations. 

The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 8.3, 8.4, 9.4, 9.b and SDG 12. 


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