Germany commits to helping consumers to better understand the environmental and social impacts of their consumption through the German National Programme for Sustainable Consumption. The programme aims to identify alternative consumption patterns and strengthen sustainable alternatives, without removing consumers’ rights to make their own decisions. The programme also aims to strengthen incentives for innovative approaches that facilitate sustainable consumption and stimulate a broader national discussion about lifestyles and a change in values.The programme addresses not only consumers but all relevant stakeholders such as the business community, commerce, civil society, the scientific community and academia, the media, local authorities and the public sector. The Programme will promote sustainable lifestyle and product choices and raise awareness of the impacts of sustainable consumption. In addition, it will identify and encourage potential synergies among the different stakeholders, produce role models of public actors in sustainable procurement, and reduce food waste.
The commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards sustainable consumption patterns.
Implementing partners include Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
The commitment is relevant to SDG 12, in particular targets 12.1, 12.3, 12.5, 12.7, and 12.8.